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Alan Jackson - When Somebody Loves You (Intro)
Album: When Sombody Loves You (2000)
Submitter: 6stringer (2) on 1/7/03
Month Views: 434 | Total Views: 5,513
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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The bends are actually a slide guitar but you can make it sound 
pretty realistic with the right reverb effects. Of course on an 
acoustic it's pretty hard to bend very far on the third fret, which
is why the second bend is on the 12th. You can also play the first
bend on the 12th fret of the 4th string [D string]. Obviously, this
is just my perception of the song, there are other ways I can think
of playing it. This sounds best to me.

b : bend    *
r : release *

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