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Blake Shelton - Goodbye Time (Chord)
Album: Blake Shelton's Barn & Grill (2004)
Submitter: WildCard76 (503) on 10/2/04 14 comments
Month Views: 1,591 | Total Views: 47,657
Moderator: jhempel24 | Report This Song?
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 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Great song man, i just tried to submit it, but yours was up, lol. good job man.

-buffdixie | 10/27/2004
Great tab but the ending chord is D
-AcousticCowboy1 | 4/10/2005
You are right. It's fixed.
-WildCard76 | 4/10/2005
We've been playing this ever since Conway had one of his last big hits with it in the mid-eighties... it always goes over big even though a lot of people had not heard it for a long time, until recently... i'm glad they re-did it..
-georgeb1954 | 4/20/2005
Man that song is awesome...thanks for the tabs!!!

-geehog | 5/12/2005
Good job!!!! Wish I had've wrote that.
-P.A.LinZ | 5/24/2005
Do you just strum the chord once when it appears in the words? I'm having a little trouble with that. Is there a certain way to figure out the rythmn of songs?
-Jrandal | 6/1/2005
Sometimes you do - sometimes you don't.
That depends on the song and the way that
it is performed.
-WildCard76 | 6/2/2005
hey bro i think that your f#m should be d/c#.
-chad_jarnigan | 6/3/2005
For the strumming the best thing to do is play the tab along with the song, just try and figure out the rythm of the song and strum to it. Takes a bit of practice, keep at it!
-mrcountryrock | 7/11/2005
helluva job on the tab bro.... i jus wish i could hit that note he does when he sings the chorus.... i've bugged my whole family tryin to do it, lol... keep it up man
-bassboss88 | 9/21/2005
wild card 76 definately knows his tabs
-clarkt21 | 11/10/2005
Thank you. Most people don't leave
positive comments on my tabs. Thank
you, very much!
-WildCard76 | 11/10/2005
songs like this are really hard for me figure out how to strum, like when its just piano playing i dont get watch to play
-KnoxGodoy3 | 11/12/2005
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