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George Strait - I Met A Friend Of Yours Today (capo) (Chord)
Album: Lead On (1994)
Submitter: WildCard76 (337) on 8/16/03
Month Views: 666 | Total Views: 8,790
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George Strait
Album: Lead On
1994, MCA Records
Submitted by: Christopher R.
August 16, 2003


(D)   (D)

(D) Yes I know I'm late getin' (D7) home to(G)night
Can supper (D) wait, I guess I've lost my appe(A)tite
Yeah (D) you can fix me a drink oh, any(D7)thing's o(G)kay
Oh by the (D) way I met a (A) friend of yours to(E)day

I was (D) workin' on the (D7) other side of (G) town
And comin' (D) home I thought I'd stop and have a (A) round
And in this (D) bar I heard someone speak your (G) name
And that's (D) how I met a (A) friend of yours to(D)day

I (D) listened for awhile and (D7) I could (G) tell
That that (D) stranger he knew you much too (A) well
And I (D) introduced myself and you should have (D7) seen his (G) face
Oh what a (D) shame I met a (A) friend of yours to(D)day

(D) Please don't cry woman 'cause it's much too (D7) late for (G) tears
Yeah, (D) and I'm sorry too 'cause it hurts after all (A) these years
And ain't it (D) sad a love like ours should (D7) end this (G) way
And all be(E)cause I met a (A) friend of yours to(D)day

Ain't it (D) sad a love like ours should (D7) end this (G) way
And all be(E)cause I met a (A) friend of yours to(D)day

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