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Johnny Cash - A Boy Named Sue (Chord)
Submitter: Frode (27) on 3/21/02 11 comments
Month Views: 3,969 | Total Views: 47,481
Moderator: JDNELSON | Report This Song?
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cool dude is wrong!johnny cash
plays this G C D ,
not A D E!
-doomsdayrobert | 3/4/2004
Put a capo on. I can see by your language that your intelect is very low.
-JonathanH | 3/19/2004
jonathanH is calling me an idiot...
-doomsdayrobert | 3/29/2004

Why do you have to criticize everything I say?
I am allowed to talk to my friends, and so are you.
If you don't understand what's going on, then maybe
you should stay out of the conversation to avoid confusion.
I apoligize for making a joke... I didn't realize
that this was the online auschwitz. I don't judge you,
so please be more open-minded and have some respect for me
and the other users at this site. we will all appreciate it.

Robert Johnson
-doomsdayrobert | 4/2/2004
Let's remain calm...unless I check this, I can't say hwat key it is
in but technically it could be in any key but I tab my songs in the
recorded key so you can play along with it...

-lmofle | 4/13/2004
I was just kiddin' bout what I wrote up top,
but i do think the version of this song on
San Quentin is played in a different key...
which recording is this?
-doomsdayrobert | 4/20/2004
That was cool Stelvans, I like that.
on another note however....
I have been throwing in a D7 in some spots
such as "It seemed I had to fight my whole life through"
and some other spots leading back into the G chord, check
it out let me know what you think...

-wlc74 | 12/2/2004
very good tab. lined up perfectly. no criticism but if you put the capo on the third fret then we have it in the recorded key. awsome job though

-washburn88 | 5/10/2005
First of all let it be said that Cash is the man. I dont know how anyone could not appreciate his music. John played it at San Quentin with a Capo on the 1st fret, just to clear it up.
-bigeagle | 12/1/2005
yep, 3rd fret, yep, first fret. Key of A on first or key of G on guys got it!
-Phil Sears | 12/29/2005
what a bunch of sissy crybabies-gotta go my sis need's me!
-doingmysisinar | 1/1/2006
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