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Keith Urban - You'll Think Of Me (a Full 1-guitar Version (Tab)
Album: Golden Road (2002)
Submitter: Guitarguy12388 (0) on 7/8/05 8 comments
Month Views: 453 | Total Views: 16,466
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Writer: Tim Ruff
Ok, here¡¦s the deal. Sorry it took me so long to get this out, but I just 
didn't have time and I got frustrated in parts, so here¡¦s what I have. I tab 
this song so that I can play it as well and full as possible. I sure hope y¡¦all 
know that Keith has at least 2 guitars playing at once, so you can¡¦t just have 
ONE tab for ONE guitar. SOOOO I tabbed as much as I could onto one guitar to 
make it sound good. Try it out. You really have to listen to the song to hear 
some of these notes and where they come in. I have the intro and verse tabbed 
out almost perfectly (yeah, I sent that perfect intro in before¡Kalthough I have 
made some minor alterations) except for that last part with ¡§ever since you 
found¡Kleft to say but¡¨. The second verse and all that other stuff is waaaay too 
complicated (3 guitars?!!?) so pluck different strings for the basic chords of 
the song and create some cool arpeggios. Believe me, it¡¦ll sound good. Here¡¦s 
my suggestion (someone else said this): just play the top 3 strings of the 
basic chords over and over again and that¡¦ll work.

CAPO 2nd fret




     Ever since¡K          someone¡K      
E --------0--------------------0--------------
B -----1---1--1---1---1-----0---0--0---0---0--
G ---2--2---2--2---2---------0---0--0---0-----
D --2----2------2---2-----2---0------0---0----
A -0---------------------2--------------------
E ----------------------0---------------------   (My comliments, Chase Cornett)

E --------1---------------------1-------------
B ----1----1--1---1---1-----1----1--1---1---1-
G -----2----2--2---2---------2----2--2---2----
D --3---3-------3---3-----3---3-------3---3---
A -3---------------------3--------------------
E 1---------------------1---------------------


Just mess around with the top 3 or 4 strings of the chords: F,Am,Em,F,Am,Em,F

     So take your records----------„³

Ok, here are the basic chords in progression of eachother¡K

Intro: G,D,Em,C

Verse: Em,C,G,D,Em,C,G,D,Am,Em,F

Chorus: G,D,Em,C,G,D,Em,C

Bridge: F,Am,Em,G,F

Outro: same as chorus

Alright, guys, don¡¦t get all uptight here¡K this song is meant to be different. 
No bars of this song are the same. Just use the basic chords to base yourself 
off of, then make it sound good. It¡¦ll come out beautiful with practice.

 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
alright, i dont know what happened to the texting... but oh well. we can get over it. have fun guys. COMMENT ME PLEASE!
-Guitarguy12388 | 7/8/2005
Thanks for the great tab. I struggled with this song months before but after looking at your tab I had it sounding pretty decent in 15 minutes. Great job!!
-brikelbk | 7/20/2005
This is a good tab.. I think it's more like the album. It's hard to follow the rhythm.
-rwcolosky | 8/14/2005
U did an amazing job with this. I'm so glad that u tabbed the whole thing out. This is my favorite song of Keiths, so thank u!!!
-guitarplayar | 8/20/2005
ok you did an amazing job with this tab. i am a beginner guitar player and even though it took me about half an hour to get through this it still sounded good. Thanks gor getting an easy version of my favorite Keith Urban out there.
-jonescm | 9/1/2005
Can you make a soundbyte for this tab? That would be awesome.

-- Steven
-srogers312 | 10/1/2005
i saw him play this live on tv. this is the closest ive seen so far, nice job.
-gurry | 10/6/2005
No way your 16! can you make a soundbyte?

-j_wise | 12/6/2005
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