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Tim McGraw - Do You Want Fries With That (Tab)
Album: Live Like You Were Dying (2004)
Submitter: Utah123 (0) on 1/15/06
Month Views: 566 | Total Views: 6,469
Moderator: jhempel24 | Report This Song?
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tune your 6th (E) string down to a D. Mute the 6th string at the 12th fret, and 
the next time you hit it slide back down to the 3rd fret, and then hit the 
string open. It really isn't that hard to do from there, but I should talk 
about the bends on the 4th string. You really don't release the bend, you just 
grab the 3rd fret on the 4th string, and pull off to an open string. m=mute, 
s=slide, p=pull off, b=bend 


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