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Willie Nelson - Blue Skies (solo) (Solo)
Submitter: viperdrew1 (0) on 9/8/04 2 comments
Month Views: 1,092 | Total Views: 21,610
Moderator: Stempdog218 | Report This Song?
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Willie Nelson
Blue Skies solo

Here it is. I think its pretty much right on but
im not really sure.



-------------------------------------------  x2


And there it is. If any comments or corrections,
feel free to say.

 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
The solo can be played very well out of the B Minor Pentatonic scale up the neck. All but one note are in it and you can leave your hand in one position. Every note in the solo can be found here. Once you learn the solo that Kelly has posted, move up the neck and play it out of this scale. The six is in parentheses becuase it is actually not part of the true scale, but it is in this song.


-codydicken | 12/5/2004
Thanks for that suggestion cody. Made it easier to play instead of moving up and down the neck so much. Just had to re-tab it out once I figured out how it went in that position. I had a few other notes that weren't in the scale, but I may be playing it different from you.
-countrygirl319 | 12/22/2004
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