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Cross Canadian Ragweed - Boys From Oklahoma(harmonica Tab) (Tab)
Album: Live and Loud at Billy Bob's Texas (2002)
Submitter: smalltownguy (1) on 6/17/05 4 comments
Month Views: 1,912 | Total Views: 36,161
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Straight Harp Key of G
Bend = '

6 -6   6 -6   7 7

-6   6 -6   7 7

-6'  -6'  -6'  6 6

Note: This is just a very basic outline. The main
thing with this song is to just have a good time. 
Add bends in wherever and just go crazy with it. 
Any corrections are welcome
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
how do you bend on a harmonica?
-andymh | 6/18/2005
A bent note is essentially a half step down from the original note. It is like your flats and sharps. For more information on this I would suggest looking at the lesson on this site.
-smalltownguy | 6/18/2005
this is pretty damn good, thanks

-tex123456789 | 6/23/2005
Can you tab a few other ragweed songs, "president song", anywhere but here, proud souls or any other ragweed song that has the harmonica in it.
-Jahana311 | 7/23/2005
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