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Dierks Bentley - Feel That Fire (Chord)
Album: Feel That Fire (2008)
Submitter: cmgrider22 (0) on 10/13/08 12 comments
Month Views: 806 | Total Views: 52,255
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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A couple wrong lyrics in the chours. It's "Her real desire, is to know I'd walk alone out on the wire"
-falgorn | 11/4/2008
The all caps is surprisingly hard to read and follow. Guy's also a deleted member now. Weird.
-dantheman85x | 11/7/2008
yeah ive had sum problems keeping one profile on here but im back on here and keeping this one this time, i tabbed this with my g/f profile. any questions,,, thanx
-capo_kid29 | 12/2/2008
Caps aren't easy to read, but I'm just happy someone took the time to figure out the chords...thank you so much !
-gisber | 12/8/2008
-gisber | 12/10/2008
I have a correction/suggestion for the Bridge: Play Bb, Cadd9, Eb, F

I am not playing the full cords but walking down from the open G cord and grabbing these notes on the A and D strings.

-webbjr4 | 12/11/2008
The bridge still seems wrong. I've been trying to get it right with no luck. Could somebody figure it out and post it please.
-jeff269 | 12/30/2008
Bridge is Bb F C D

End of the chorus is Am G/B Cadd9

Also the chorus is flawed. That Am is C... kind of a mess.
-dantheman85x | 1/9/2009
This is my take on the song. I am the moderator for the Artist and after reading your comments, I put my chords on the song. If you feel any of the chords are wrong, let me know and I will be glad to make changes that fit. I know some of my chords are not the same as some of the comments.
-Ray Terry | 1/13/2009
When playing this modern country stuff you really gotta know all the chords in each key and how other chords can, for lack of better words, "work themselves in the song". For instance this tune is in G#, but lets say it was in G (capo 1st fret). Now if it was G, C and D most of the chord changes would be pretty text-book. But the F chord (Flat 7) changes everything. Not only does the song get a more "rugged" vibe but this chord allows other chords such as Bb, Eb, and yes folks a chord that no one has mentioed, a Dm to flow freely within the song. To an F chord a Bb is the 4, a Dm is the 6 and an Eb is the Flat 7 , just as the F is the Flat 7 of G. You could just make one big circle of chords in a song if you wanted! Just look at Amazed by Lonestar!
If this is all greek to you just keep working on these types of songs, Deirks tunes will tend to have some odd changes such as these. Here's the correct chorus progression (capo at 1):

G F Am G
She needs to feel that fire the one that let's her know for sure she's everything I want and more
G Dm Am B/G C G
Her real desire is to know I'd walk alone out on the wire to make her feel that fire.

Someone at the bottom of the page (in comments) had the Bridge correct: Bb, F, Eb, F. The verse progression was the only thing correct at the top, good try though.
-against | 1/23/2009
maybe I'm hard of hearing to me none of this sounds right.
-tjasonbycraft | 2/22/2009
you got that right, i tabbed this years ago with a different account thats deleted now, someone came along and jacked it all up
-rudy32junior | 1/31/2014
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