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Johnny Cash - Ghost Riders In The Sky Chords & Tab (Tab)
Submitter: tyler1501 (38) on 7/3/05 15 comments
Month Views: 12,088 | Total Views: 243,246
Moderator: JDNELSON | Report This Song?
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Great Job!
First solo tab I've found that's accurate.
-texmex16 | 7/4/2005
Thanks Texmex!!!
-tyler1501 | 7/4/2005
there should be more hammerons, pulloffs.
Why use a capo and play Am, when you can just play Bbm?
Yeah, I know that's how it's done, but it helps you become a
better-skilled guitar player to use barre chords, or even try
different voicings of a chord. I rarely use a capo, but the
main reason why I use one is for the purpose of having a nice
sound to some songs. Some chord voicings I use sound kind of
ugly unless I use a capo, but to me, a capo usually means that
you can't play a Bbm chord well, and need to use a capo on the
first and play Am.
Well anyways, when I post tabs, I usually say "Use a capo on
whatever fret", but sometimes, I put the real chord on it.
Or you could say "Capo 1st fret, play Am" then for each
chord change, put in parenthesis, the chord you would play
without the capo.
But hey, do whatever. Just opening new ideas. But to anyone
who can't do barre chords that well, just work on it, and
you'll get it. Don't use a capo all the time.
-macg1 | 7/4/2005
I didn't want to make it too complicating so I just tabbed
the basics; no hammer-ons or pull-offs. If you listen to
the recording, you will find them.
-tyler1501 | 7/4/2005
There's a Cash song that I can't find, I think it's
called "Going by the Book", but I'm not sure.

-E900 | 11/17/2005
I have never heard of it, but if I do, I will probably submit it.
-tyler1501 | 11/17/2005
I'll find an mp3 for "Going By The Book" if you haven't found one yet.I'll check to see
if it's a song that he wrote.I have a book
of all the songs and poems of his,and will
find you the lyrics.Also, I have a live
recording of Ghost Riders where he's singing
with Willie Nelson.Could I submit a tab for it?
-macg1 | 12/15/2005
I've got the live Cash/Nelson version too, it's the same just move the capo down to 2 instead of 1.
-aggiekit | 12/15/2005
this song is real wordy (good song) and would take a while to memorize (at least for me). If using a capo will help you perform the song better than by all means use it. As far as being a purist as far as wheather to use a capo or not you have to choose your battles. In the end all's that matters is did it sound good? Was it performed well? That's my humble two cents worth. The average lay person dosen't give a hoot weather you used a capo or not. When you try yo impress other guitar players you get youself into trouble. Always stive to be better than youself.
-GeorgeTerebush | 5/27/2008
If you don't like the way it is it yourself! There is nothing wrong with how he posted it and he did a good job...every song out there can be played in a bunch of different keys so leave the ones alone that post it how they see fit! If you have advice send them a message don't step on their toes just for you pleasures and try to make all of us think you know what your doing, no one cares we are all guitarist and need to learn from each other. Let the ones who transpose a song do it the way they see fit. If you don't like it at least it gives you a starting point.
-tuskfire8 | 4/29/2009
1. tyler its a great job you did and 2. for the one arguing about the capo thing, just because ppl like using capo doesnt mean you have to come on here and chew them out for it
-hulkthebassist | 9/12/2009
lol, i can play the bar chord and make it sound just like the capo. its just easier. not using a capo is like taking the stairs instead of the escalator... half way up you realize your retarded.

-SquireMun | 12/12/2009
The lyrics are "as the riders rode on by he heard one call his name"
-kelseygoff193 | 11/29/2013
Actually the word is "loped:" "as the riders loped on by him..."
-ghotioutofh2o | 7/27/2014
On July 4th 2005 macq1 was into the liquor.
-bobby smithermn | 12/31/2017
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