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Johnny Cash - Goodnight,irene(harp) (Tab)
Submitter: macg1 (33) on 12/22/05
Month Views: 503 | Total Views: 3,841
Moderator: JDNELSON | Report This Song?
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Also Performed by Willie Nelson,and Red Foley.

I noticed that there were tabs for these 3 artists
performing this song.I submitted the one for John,so I
figured I should put a harp tab for this song,also.

-5 6    -5    5   -4 4 6 -6     6    -5 
I-rene, good night,~~~ I-rene, good night.~~~ 

-6    -6   -6 6     -5    6    -5 -4 
Good night, I-rene, good night, I-rene, 

-4   4   6  -6 6    -5 
Ill see you in my dreams.~~~ 


4    -5 -5  -5   6   -5 -4   5   6 
Last Sat-ur-day night I got mar-ried,~~~ 

7   7  7   6   -6   6   -5 
me and my wife set-tled down.~~~ 

7   7  -6  -6  6   -5  -4  -5 
Now me and my wife are part-ed,~~~ 

-4 -4 -4   4     6   6  6   -6     6   -5 
Im gon-na take~~ an-oth-er stroll down-town.~~~ 

Additional Verses: 

Sometimes I live in the country, 
Sometimes I live in the town. 
Sometimes I have a great notion 
To jump into the river and drown 
(repeat chorus) 

Stop ramblin, stop your gamblin, 
Stop stayin out late at night. 
Go home to your wife and your famly, 
Sit down by the fireside bright. 
(repeat chorus)
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