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Johnny Cash - Passin’ Thrue (Chord)
Submitter: PierreLeveillee (0) on 12/15/16
Month Views: 523 | Total Views: 2,052
Moderator: JDNELSON | Report This Song?
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Well I have stood upon the mountain

I have seen the other side

I’ve wrestled with the devil
   G                 A
I have wrestled with my pride

I’ve been down in the valley
I have stood out in the rain

I have seen my love forsaken
I have cried in tears of sadness

I have cried in tears of joy

I have found a life worth livin'
         G                 A
From the peace within the noise
I have turned my back on hatred

Lyin', prejudice, and greed

Found the future in the present
       G            A
Found hope within a seed
I have seen my bucket empty

I have seen my well run dry

But there's water down the road
    G              A
And I'm only goin' by
If I'm settin' on dead-ready

When my chances come to knock

I'll make it where I'm goin'
         G         A
Standin’ tall just like a rock
A               E
Passin thru passin thru
Yeah, it's a mighty world we live in but the truth is
We're only passin' thru
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