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Keith Urban - Your Everything (live Intro) (Intro)
Album: Keith Urban (1999)
Submitter: CM129688 (1) on 4/27/05 3 comments
Month Views: 535 | Total Views: 6,745
Moderator: urbanriffs | Report This Song?
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Keith Urban - Your Everything (live)

When playing the intro, pluck the chords with your fingers... then just
pick the bottom strings with your fingers still in the chord position.
When you get to the chord with a *, pick the bass note as tabbed, then
strum that one chord... then finish the tab as noted.  It is the same 
idea as the daytona intro... listen to that to get the rythm

Capo II

 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Theres a few things wrong with it and you forgot the capo part.
-KU_isbestever | 4/28/2005
does ne one knwo where i can find the daytona footage? email me at
-beans7178 | 4/30/2005
it sounds pretty damn if someone could only tab out the whole song lol:)
-paramedic79ca | 1/13/2006
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