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Nickel Creek - Raining At Sunset (Intro)
Submitter: mandoflin (0) on 10/18/04 3 comments
Month Views: 472 | Total Views: 6,801
Moderator: p8nter21 | Report This Song?
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 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
OMG i can't believe you actually have clutterbilly! I have been looking fo this everywhere! You are so amazing!Ain't Keith great though?
-guitar_monkey27 | 2/17/2005
This is the second part of the intro with crosspicking I think?
-mandoflin | 10/18/2004
Could someone tab out "Cloudbreak" off of Sean's 1st solo album, Let It Fall
-d_rice1979 | 4/22/2005
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