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Alan Jackson - There Is Power In The Blood (Chord)
Album: Precious Memories Volume II (2013)
Submitter: bje13 (5) on 4/25/13
Month Views: 932 | Total Views: 25,316
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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There is Power in the Blood
Alan Jackson
Precious Memories: Volume II

 	 G 	  	  	 C 	 G
would you be free from the burden of sin
 	 D 	  	  	 G
theres power in the blood, power in the blood
 	  	  	 C 	 G
would you o'er evil or victory win
 	 D 	  	  	 G
theres wonderful power in the blood

 	 G 	  	  	 C 	 G
there is power, power, wonder working power
 	 D 	  	 G
in the blood of the lamb
 	  	  	 C 	  	 G
theres power, power, wonder working power
 	 D 	  	  	 G
in the precious blood of the lamb

 	 G 	  	  	 C 	 G
would you be free from your passion and pride
 	 D 	  	  	 G
theres power in the blood, power in the blood 
 	  	  	 C 	 G
come for a cleansing to calvarys tide
 	 D 	  	  	 G
theres wonderful power in the blood

 	 G 	  	  	 C 	 G
there is power, power, wonder working power
 	 D 	  	 G
in the blood of the lamb
 	  	  	 C 	  	 G
theres power, power, wonder working power
 	 D 	  	  	 G
in the precious blood of the lamb

 	 G 	  	  	 C 	 G
there is power, power, wonder working power
 	 D 	  	 G
in the blood of the lamb
 	  	  	 C 	  	 G
theres power, power, wonder working power
 	 D 	  	  	 G
in the precious blood of the lamb

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