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Alison Krauss - A Living Prayer (Intro)
Album: Lonely Runs Both Ways (2004)
Submitter: danielcraggs (7) on 4/29/05 5 comments
Month Views: 1,178 | Total Views: 13,726
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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A requester asked for this, so I had a go. There are two
guitars, one playing this and the other playing the chords,
so it's pretty difficult to get this on the nose, but I'm
pretty darned sure it's close. Split into sections for
easier learning if you need it. Comments and corrections
gratefully accepted as always!

EDITED: Helps if I type it in right, doesn't it?


                v n


/ = slide up
\ = slide down
----/ = crescendo (getting louder)
v = down pick stroke
n = upwards pick stroke
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
saw ak & union station 3 months ago in l.a. we had front row seats!! incredible show. anyway this was the very last song they played, and they were about 10 feet in front of us. i was all over the guitars. ron played the lead part with a capo on the 7th fret. dan played the back up part with no capo. don't know about the tuning. hope this helps!
-sanmagoo | 5/4/2005
sanmagoo, firstly, you lucky so-and-so. Front row seats indeed. :-P Secondly, I'll transpose the tab when I have some spare time for those who want to play it on the 7th. Thanks for your comment!
-danielcraggs | 5/4/2005
You know whats worse than front row seats? I live in Morganton, NC and saw AKUS here several times while working at the local Municipal Theatre (COMMA). I can remember when Alison was 17, she was skateboarding around backstage about 2 hours before curtain. Would've been nice if I took some notes :) Mark
-mvitrone1 | 5/8/2005
unfortunately for us here in san diego, alison doesn't visit the beach too much. we have a bunch of skate parks too, i wonder if she knows that. maybe we just need to move to the south! :)
-sanmagoo | 5/10/2005
Just got home from the AKUS show in Pittsburgh. They closed their encore with A Living Prayer here, too. I was sitting in about the 15th row or so, and it looked like he was playing it pretty far up the neck -- i was guessing around 12; i didn't notice a capo 7, though...
-Bytehead | 5/24/2005
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