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These chords are right on the money. Excellent job. Sounds like the exact same chords that Brad plays. After seeing the video it looks like the same ones too. Keep on tabbin' man nice work!! -fenderstrat102 | 7/30/2005 |
Would you please list the chord fingerings you are using that are either not listed in mouse hover form or that deviate from the mouse hover form? Thanks. -crcrcrcr | 8/2/2005 |
chord fingering chart?
-Derek_Cave99 | 8/2/2005 |
looks like theres only 2 chords not listed in the chord diagram, lemme know if there's more. F#/A# = x14xxx F#sus4 = xx4422 -atekjunkie | 8/3/2005 |
atekjunkie, Thanks for the non-hover chord listings. -crcrcrcr | 8/4/2005 |
Great job. Not easy to play, especially for beginners, but accurate. -crcrcrcr | 8/5/2005 |
Guys have a look at the powetab I submitted for a rhythm for this song, should help. -atekjunkie | 8/13/2005 |
Don't see the roll over chords on this song or a a chord chart. can anyone show the chord fingerings? -kdabbs | 8/16/2005 |
There ya'll go the Chord Fingerings -atekjunkie | 8/17/2005 |
This is great. I play one of the chords differently though. The F#/A# I play like this: 6-4-4-6-x-x
-sumodano | 10/12/2005 |
hiya guys,one question...are these the exact chords of the Alcohol acustic version(Live@LaunchYahooExclusive)?i'm trying to find it,but here in Spain no one ever heard of Brad Paisley...they just don't listen to any country here!?,i don't know what u think,but i think it's a lot better than the video... -the_pepsi_kidd | 12/7/2005 |
Good Tab!The chord progression is much easier played like this coming down the neck:
B: 7998xx (Bar Chord) Bb: 6986xx (Bar Chord) G#m : bar chord listed B: x2444x (normal B chord) F#: 244322 (normal F# chord)
-oneflap | 5/19/2008 |
Great work. I don't know where all the other people are comming up with the capo and tuned down things, but i know that the song doesn't use a capo or isn't tuned down. Keep on Keepin' on!! -gorrend | 5/12/2010 |