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Clint Black - A Bad Goodbye (Chord)
Album: Ultimate Clint Black (2003)
Submitter: GeetarPikinGirl (20) on 3/27/03
Month Views: 741 | Total Views: 9,996
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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      E      G#m      Esus2      E/F#      F#
B               E/B
I've been bound to leave you
D#m                    E
We've known that for a while
G#m                     G#m/C#
I'm sure it's something I can't do
           E/C#             F#
If I can't leave you with a smile
        B            E/B
I don't know how far I'll have to go
         G#m                   C#m7
Till I'm sure those eyes won't cry
          E/C#             G#m
And in my mind I've left enough to know
That I can't leave you
F#             B
With a bad goodbye
    E/B         G#m
Goodbye, easier said than done
    C#m                       F#
Goodbye, there's no good when you're the one
          D#m7          G#m
Whose goodbye you swore would never come
    C#m       E/C#               F#
And in my goodbye you're finding none
B               E/B
I'm still bound to leave you
D#m                    E
I surely don't know how
G#m                     G#m/C#
My heart won't let me put you through
           E/C#             F#
What my mind said should happen now
        B            E/B
I don't know where we'll go from here
D#m                    E
There may be no way to fly
          E/C#             G#m
And the cloud I'm in just makes it all too clear
That I can't leave you
F#             B
With a bad goodbye
***repeat chorus***
B               E/B
How can we be so far between
D#m                    E
Where we are and one more try
           E/C#             F#
And any way I look, I've only seen
That I can't leave you
F#             B
With a bad goodbye

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