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David Wilcox - The Roots Grow Deeper When Its Dry (Chord)
Submitter: GeetarPikinGirl (33) on 3/20/03
Month Views: 538 | Total Views: 3,068
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       D             G
Summer lasted a generation
G/F#  Em7                         Asus4
A generation - and then the winter wind
           D                      G
The bounty harvest that seemed so endless
   G/F#      Em7                                 Asus4
It seemed so endless until it gave what it could give
    G           Asus4    D
Prosperity will have its seasons
               G                Asus4
Even when it's here, it's going by
              G          A                Bm     B+2
And when it's gone we pretend we know the reasons
    G             Asus4                 G    Asus4
And all the roots grow deeper when it's dry
             D                   G
It looked so easy, we change the weather
G/F#     Em7                           G        Asus4
We would turn this world ourselves our world so small
           D               G
But slower rhythms - still unheard of
G/F#      Em7                      Asus4      D
Said that every blessed summer someday has to fall
    G           Asus4    D
Prosperity will have its seasons
               G                Asus4
Even when it's here, it's going by
              G          A                Bm      B+2
And when it's gone we pretend we know the reasons
    G                  Asus4            G    D           G  Asus4
And all the roots grow deeper when it's dry,   when it's dry
    G           D
Prosperity will have its seasons
               G                Asus4
Even when it's here, it's going by
              G          A                Bm      B+2
And when it's gone we pretend we know the reasons
    G                  Asus4            G    D   G  /a  D
And all the roots grow deeper when it's dry
******B+2: x24422********
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