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Desert Rose Band - Love Reunited (Chord)
Submitter: GeetarPikinGirl (19) on 3/19/03
Month Views: 643 | Total Views: 4,252
Moderator: Derrick_koehler | Report This Song?
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F                Bb           C             F
If you want some good advice, don't let her go
          Bb            F  C
She's the one who stood by you
F            Bb        C           F
What is this thing you both have become
            Bb      C    F
That leaves love undecided.
           Dm          Bb          F
Don't walk away, don't run from yourself
         Dm      Bb       C
It's not her for somebody else,
C           F                       Bb            F
It's not  a rainbow you see through tears in your eyes
             Bb         C   F
Don't think love is one sided
F              Bb      C           F
Word that were spoken, never to be broken,
           Bb         F     C
To walk as one for a lifetime
F              Bb        C                 F
Then comes the doubt and all those greener pasture
            Bb   C       F
That leaves love undecided
           Dm          Bb       F
Don't walk away, don't run from yourself
         Dm      Bb       C
It's not her for somebody else,
C           F                       Bb            F
It's not  a rainbow you see through tears in your eyes
             Bb         C   F
Don't think love is one sided
F            Bb        C                  F
The earth is worn, her sides are torn and tattered
          Bb            F    C
Like the sand the ocean gathers
F            Bb         C       F
They are as one and no devinely GOD
           Bb   C     F
Believe in love reunited
           Dm          Bb       F
Don't walk away, don't run from yourself
         Dm      Bb       C
It's not her for somebody else,
C           F                       Bb            F
It's not  a rainbow you see through tears in your eyes
             Bb         C    F
Don't think love is one sided
             Bb         C    F
Don't think love is one sided 
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