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Dub Miller - Nine Miles North Of Mason (Chord)
Submitter: thewili (2) on 7/28/03
Month Views: 537 | Total Views: 3,321
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E                                                    A 	 
Nine miles north of Mason, that's where I'll make my stand
          E    	  	  	  	   F#                    B
Near a tiny little town that time forgot on a ten acre tract of land
          E 	  	  	  	         A
I ain't got no education, but I got one good workin' hand 
       E                             B                         
Yah nine miles north of Mason, that's where I'll make my stand 

B 	                      A               E
I come from West Texas, in a town called Levelland
 	     A 	  	         E 	  	       F# 	    B
I hung the horses' heads on the pump jacks and that's how I lost my hand.
 	   A 	  	        B 	      E  	  	  	    A
Well the oil company went and fired me so I sued em for all that I can
 	 A 	  	         	  	 E 	                B       
so they settled outta court and for my pain and suffrin got a ten acre tract of

Repeat Chorus

Well the farmers they make fun of me and the ranchers just don't care 
that my watermelon done went under and my peanut crop went bare
they say ten acres ain't enough for a man to sustain and last
but i'll show 'em all next year when I plant the world's favorite kind of grass

Repeat Chorus

Well my weeds came up like wildfire and the cash came rollin in 
but the feds they caught my number cause the locals caught my wind
but with a match and a can of gasoline ten acres sure burns fast
now im headin with a sack full of money and a half empty tank of gas

Repeat Chorus

Well I finally made it to Acuna, on nerve and lots of luck
and all I've got now is a bag full of money, one hand, and a beat up truck
them feds they took away everthing with the land I hold so dear..............
But    I    Got one good hand to pull the slots in Vegas and I'll buy ten more next year

Repeat Chorus 
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