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Eleven Hundred Springs - Show Me The Money (or I'll Show You The Door) (Chord)
Album: This Crazy Life (2010)
Submitter: texmex16 (2) on 6/26/11
Month Views: 670 | Total Views: 4,719
Moderator: lmofle | Report This Song?
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Show Me the Money (Or I'll Show You the Door)
Eleven Hundred Springs

 	 E7 	 Am7 	 Bm7

 	 -0- 	 -0- 	 -2-
 	 -3- 	 -2- 	 -4-
 	 -1- 	 -0- 	 -2-
 	 -2- 	 -2- 	 -4-
 	 -2- 	 -0- 	 -2-
 	 -0- 	 -X- 	 -X-

Capo 4th Fret

I've got holes in my wall, I got a leak in my roof
I got a great, big stack of bills if you really need some proof 
That the times are tough and it's givin' me the blues
But stick around a little more for a little more bad news

Got a woman on the line that's gettin' ready to hang up
Says she's tried to live on love and she's had just about enough
Says she's ready for the good life and all that fancy stuff
 	  	 E 	  	       D 	  	   	  C 	        Bm7
Well can't you hear her shout and I'm down and out and I really got it rough

 	  	  	   Am7 	  	  	      E7
You've got to show me the money or I'll show you the door
E7 	  	  	  	  F# 	  	         Bm7
She says if you're joking honey, it just ain't funny anymore
 	  	   Am7 	  	  	      E7
And if I sink any lower, I'll be down on the floor
 	        Am7   Bm7 	  	   E7
So show me the money or I'll show you the door

Just put my last ten dollars in the tank of my car
But you know any more that just won't take you too far
Especially when you got a woman with her head in the stars
Just thinkin' 'bout it makes me wanna drive myself to the bar

She's got all these girlfriends talkin' right in her ear
Sayin' I'm her biggest problem and they make it crystal clear
And they're messin' with her mind and they're playing to her fears
Just thinkin' 'bout them makes me have to stop and have myself a beer

You've got to show me the money or I'll show you the door
She says if you're joking honey, it just ain't funny anymore
And if I sink any lower, I'll be down on the floor
So show me the money or I'll show you the door
You've got to show me the money or I'll show you the door
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