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Joe Nichols - Don't Ruin It For The Rest Of Us (Chord)
Album: Revelations (2004)
Submitter: Shantel (141) on 7/14/04 3 comments
Month Views: 722 | Total Views: 6,133
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Don't Ruin It For The Rest Of Us - Joe Nichols
Album: Revelation 
Writers: Sam & Annie Tate/Georgia Middleman/Jimmy Ritchey

**Capo 1**

walkdown = E string--> --3-2-1-0--

Don't ruin it for the rest of us
D                           G
With your braggin that you fell in love
Can't you see we're kinda busy here
Swappin lies and cryin in our beer
So you're getting married good for you
D                             Em - D/F# - C - G
It's first inning Braves are down by two
Grab a seat and keep your big mouth shut
D                          C      G (walkdown) E-3-2-1-0-
And don't ruin it for the rest of us

Verse 1:
I hardly recognized you
With that smile on your face
Your shirt's tucked in, you shaved your chin
And every hair's in place
You smell a whole lot better
Than anybody in this bar
          D                              D7
Here's a dollar, buy yourself a cheap cigar

CHORUS (changes to 3rd inning in line 6)

Verse 2:
You missed bowling season
Butch blew a perfect game
And when we got the new shirts printed up
There was an "I" in Shooter's name
Well Ronnie's back to walkin
He got another DUI
So if you plan on gettin out of here alive

CHORUS (changes to 6th inning in line 6)

Instrumental: Am  D  G  G  Am  C  D

So you're getting married good for you
D                        Em - D/F# - C - G
It's 9th inning we're about to lose
I told you twice to keep your pie hole shut
D                          C      G 
And don't ruin it for the rest of us
Can't you see that we've been through enough
D                      C          G
Don't ruin it for the rest of us

A   =   x02220
A7  =   x02020
C   =   x32010
D   =   xx0232
D/F#=   200232 (hold down bottom string with thumb)
E   =   022100
E7  =   020100
Em  =   022000
G   =   320003  
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Nice work Shantel. Keep it up. I've seen a lot of your work and I'd
hate to question it, but something about the four chords above "down
by two". The natural progression of the bass notes just doesn't sound
right, but I can't seem to put a finger on it. Otherwise, nothing
short of incredible, like usual.
-Sibbs2 | 9/23/2004
Nice work Shantel. However, I'd suggest using 332010 for a C chord. You get a more natural bass progression as the user above mentioned. :-)
-danielcraggs | 2/17/2005
Again Shantel, you are spot on!
-browntrout | 11/28/2005
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