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John Prine - Quiet Man (Chord)
Album: John Prine (1971)
Submitter: dschram1 (10) on 2/3/09
Month Views: 672 | Total Views: 6,451
Moderator: pikaze | Report This Song?
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(A)Strolling down the highway with my s(D)hoes in my hand
I d(E7)on't talk much I'm a q(A)uiet man
Beauty and silence b(D)oth run deep
And ru(E7)nning like crazy while y(A)ou are alseep

You got n(G)ews for me
I g(A)ot nothing for you
Don't pin your bl(G)ues on me
Just go a(A)head and do what(D)ever you wish (E7)to

Last(A) Monday night I s(D)aw a fight
Between Wedn(E7)esday and Thursday over Satu(A)rday night
Tuesday asked me what was go(D)ing on I said,
"Sun(E7)day's in the meadow and Fri(A)day's in the corn."

Repeat Chorus:

H(A)ocus-pocus, Ma(D)ladjusted
D(E7)on't you think my tears g(A)et rusted
Steady losing means y(D)ou ain't using
What y(E7)ou really think is ri(A)ght

Repeat Chorus:

Oo(A)dies of light what a beau(D)tiful sight
Bo(E7)th of God's eyes are shi(A)ning tonight
Rays and beams of incr(D)edible dreams
And(E7) I am a quiet (A)man.

Oo(A)dies of light what a beau(D)tiful sight
Bo(E7)th of God's eyes are shi(A)ning tonight
Rays and beams of incr(D)edible dreams
And(E7) I am a quiet (A)man.

Oo(A)dies of light what a beau(D)tiful sight
Bo(E7)th of God's eyes are shi(A)ning tonight
Rays and beams of incr(D)edible dreams
And(E7) I am a quiet (A)man.(D) (A) 
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