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John Prine - Sweet Revenge (Chord)
Album: Sweet Revenge (1973)
Submitter: dschram1 (10) on 2/2/09 1 comment
Month Views: 1,683 | Total Views: 16,022
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I got k(G)icked off Noah's Ark
I turn my ch(C)eek to unkind re(G)marks
There was two of everything but one of (D7)me
And when the ra(G)ins came tumbling down
I held my b(C)reath and I stood my gr(G)ound
And I watched that ship go sa(D7)iling out to se(C)ee-e(G)a

Take it b(C)ack. Take it back.
Oh (G)no, you can't say that
All of my friends are not dead or in j(D7)ail
(G)Through rock and through stone
The bl(C)ack wind still mo(G)ans
Sweet Revenge, Sweet Re(D7)venge without (C)fai(G)l

(G)I caught an aisle seat on a plane
And drove an En(C)glish teacher half in(G)sane
Making up jokes about bicycle spokes and red ball(D7)oons
So I ca(G)lled up my local deejay
And he di(C)dn't have alot to s(G)ay
But the radio has learned a(D7)ll of my favorite (C)tun(G)es

Repeat Chorus:

(G)The white meat is on the run
And the d(C)ark meat is far too d(G)one
And the milkman left me a note yester(D7)day
Get o(G)ut of this town by Noon
You're co(C)ming on way too s(G)oon
And besides that we never li(D7)ked you a(C)nyw(G)ay

Repeat Chorus:

Sweet Re(G)venge, Sweet Re(D7)venge
Will pr(C)evail without f(G)ail 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
I'm now a prime member. I sure wish you would make it easier for us to find a way to actually hear the song being sung. Is it even possible on this site?
-cookshacklady | 10/3/2013
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