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Josh Turner - I Had One One Time ( No Capo ) (Chord)
Album: Long Black Train (2003)
Submitter: WildCard76 (682) on 2/20/04 1 comment
Month Views: 873 | Total Views: 8,391
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Josh Turner
Submitted by: Christopher R.
Feb. 20, 2004

Intro: (B)  (B)  (G#m)  (G#m) 

I (B) sure do like your Cadill(G#m)ac
It (E) brings lots of memories (F#) back
(B) I always felt like a (G#m) star
(E) Drivin' around in that (F#) car

 	 I had (B) one, one time
 	 Oh, (B/Bb) I had (G#m7) one, one time
 	 You probably (C#m7) think I'm blind
 	 But, (F#) I had one, one (B) time

Have (B) you got a job that you (G#m) love
Each (E) day you can't wait to get (F#) up
You (B) feel proud when you draw your (G#m) pay
Would (E) you be surprised if I (F#) say

 	 I had (B) one, one time
 	 Oh, (B/Bb) I had (G#m7) one, one time
 	 Now, I hold a (C#m7) cardboard sign
 	 But, (F#) I had one, one (B) time

--Steel Solo & Key Change--

(C) I bet you got a good (Am) friend
You (F) always hang out on week(G)ends
Since (C) high school, you've been thick as (Am) thieves
(F) I bet you'd never bel(G)ieve

 	 I had (C) one, one time
 	 Oh, (C/B) I had (Am) one, one time
 	 Somewhere a(Dm7)long the line
 	 (G) I had one, one (C) time

That (Dm7) beautiful girl be(G)side you is probably your (C) wife
Yeah, (Dm7) you've got it all
(F) I'd say you live quite a (G) life

 	 I had (C) one, one time
 	 Oh, (C/B) I had (Am) one, one time
 	 Maybe I've (Dm7) lost my mind
 	 But, (G) I had (C) time 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Nice job on chords. i'm playing bass and to me it sounds better in the verse to play a c#m instead of an E
And at the end on the bridge i think it might be an A minor instead of Dminor
-bogie1519 | 6/20/2012
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