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Keith Urban - Days Go By (bridge Riffs) (Tab)
Album: Be Here (2004)
Submitter: KU_isbestever (5) on 11/26/04 7 comments
Month Views: 699 | Total Views: 8,723
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Keith Urban- Days Go By (bridge riffs)

These are the two simple riffs Keith plays in the bridge.  I've made it were
when you play what is posted, you play it with the words.  So when it says 
"only" hit 8th fret, "got" 7th fret, "today" 3rd fret.  If you listen to the
song you'll understand.

"We think about tommorow and it slips away"

"We talk about forever but we've only got today"


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what the heck is that?

-Harrisra | 12/14/2004
Listen to the song and you hear the guitar coming and fading in the background. listen and it's there.
-KU_isbestever | 12/16/2004
I think they call it "wall of sound"
it's in the background of most songs today
-WayneXG95 | 12/17/2004
ok you're so close i'll help you out. rather than
B---7---5---3--, try B---7h8---7---3--
-hus2005 | 1/14/2005
u could of added some other stuff. Only an idiot wouldn't know that stuff
-Derek_Cave99 | 3/22/2005
Ya and there's a lot of "idiots" on this site that maybe just can't find a note or two on there. I put this on here to help and im so sorry (haha) it's not a full tab of the song. I've seen a lot worse tabs on here and some people even copy others work or repeatidly put the same tab on here.
-KU_isbestever | 3/23/2005
Hey derek where are your tabs??
If you would quit mouthing maybe you would have some time to put your work out here.
-rjcharles5 | 4/1/2005
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