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Pat Green - Carry On (intro) (Intro)
Submitter: thewili (2) on 4/21/03 6 comments
Month Views: 504 | Total Views: 6,587
Moderator: pumaboy2005 | Report This Song?
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this tab isnt even close
-bigpapajohn24 | 12/24/2003
WHOA! way off listen to the song a little better and tune your gitar
-omgalice22 | 1/2/2004
-jdorsey | 1/3/2004
i think that was an okay idea but if you use the bottom 2 strings instead of the top 2 it sounds a lot better
so you hit the A and E strings while muting the others A string sequence frets 777 999 10-10-10 999 777 999 5 but dsus2 D dsus4 D Dsus2 D G sounds better
-tobers2313 | 1/12/2004
Check the other intro tab I put on here for
the way Pat Green plays the song.
-Smoothie7745 | 1/14/2004
listen to beginning of the song and this is how the song is played, good job
-davidrod111 | 11/18/2004
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