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Ralph Stanley - Memories Of Mother (Chord)
Submitter: GeetarPikinGirl (20) on 8/3/03
Month Views: 544 | Total Views: 4,182
Moderator: jaywoody51 | Report This Song?
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G                           C            G
On a dark stormy night the angels called mother
                 G                       D
Her love that we shared for such a short while
              G          C               G
She called us around and told us she was leaving
                 G        D           G
Then closing her eyes she went with a smile

G                      C            G
Mother that rests in a lonesome old graveyard
                G                              D
On a hill a far away there's stands her white tomb
                       G       C        G    
With the grass covered over it seems so neglected
                        G            D            G
When the spring seasons comes sweet flowers will bloom

G                          C           G
I'll never forget the love mother gave us
                      G              D
As children we'd play around our old home
            G          C          G
I know her reward is a mansion in heaven

                   G        D                 G
While her children on earth are scattered and gone

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