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Ron Block - He's Holding On To Me (Chord)
Submitter: danielcraggs (7) on 4/30/04 2 comments
Month Views: 567 | Total Views: 10,447
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This song is amazingly simple to play, and consists of only two
chords. I'm pretty sure this is the first copy of this on the

Intro: A | E | A | E | A

A                                       E               A
There's a path along life's highway, so common and well trod
By the shoes of burdened Christians who won't put their trust in God
             A                            E                 A
They've been born of the Spirit, but they live by what they see
                                          E         A
So they trust in their own effort, never living in belief

                                  E             A
I'm not holding on to Jesus, He's holding on to me
He died and rose again to set me free
     A                          E                   A
I am resting in the Spirit, not afraid of what will be
                                  E             A
I'm not holding on to Jesus, He's holding on to me

Instrumental: A E A E A E A E A

                                       E               A
If you're living in the dungeon in the heavy chains of fear
Don't live another minute in the lies you're holding dear
    A                                   E                  A
The chains have all been shattered, the light is streaming in
                                         E             A
You can't close your eyes forever to the One who lives within

                                  E             A
I'm not holding on to Jesus, He's holding on to me
He died and rose again to set me free
     A                          E                   A
I am resting in the Spirit, not afraid of what will be
                                  E             A
I'm not holding on to Jesus, He's holding on to me

Instrumental: A E A E A E A E A

                                  E             A
I'm not holding on to Jesus, He's holding on to me
He died and rose again to set me free
     A                          E                   A
I am resting in the Spirit, not afraid of what will be
                                  E             A
I'm not holding on to Jesus, He's holding on to me

                E     A           E             A
I'm not holding on to Jesus, He's holding on to me
                ^     ^
These chord changes are optional. The bass changes here, but
it sounds fine whether you leave them in or not. It's quite
a fast change, so just do what you're comfortable with.


* Feel free to copy this, but PLEASE credit me. These do take time to make! * 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Can you make the tab for Faraway Land? Or know where I can find it?
-swamp_mule | 6/12/2004
swamp_mule: If you have a request, it should
go in the Requests section. Click 'Request a
Tab' on the left-hand menu. As for where it
is, I've been looking for ages myself. There
aren't many of Ron's songs tabbed out on the
Net. May get around to it though :)
-danielcraggs | 6/12/2004
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