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Taylor Swift - Santa Baby (Chord)
Submitter: e8n1 (22) on 12/1/07
Month Views: 481 | Total Views: 7,210
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Santa Baby
By: Joan Javits, Philip Springer and Tony Springer
As Performed by : Taylor Swift
Tabbed by: E8N1 (e8n at

Capo 3

Intro: D  G  Em  A    

D     G      Em            A         
Santa Baby, slip a sable under the 
D        G                 A           D
Tree for me.  I've been an awful good girl. 
      G       Em               A       D
Santa baby so hurry down the chimney tonight.

G  Em  A

 D     G       Em  A                D     G
Santa Baby, a 54 convertable too, light blue. 
 Em         A               D
Well I'll wait up for you dear. 
       G   Em                 A       D
Santa Baby so hurry down the chimney tonight.

G  Em  A

Think of all the fun I've missed. 
Think of all the boys I haven't kissed. 
D                             E
Next year I could be just as good 
G                       A
if you check off my Christmas list. 
D      G      Em                 A            D     G
Santa Baby, I want a yacht and really thats not a lot. 
Em            A         D
I've been an angel all year. 
D      G       Em               A       D
Santa Baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.

G  Em  A

D      G      Em                     A     D   G
Santa Honey,theres one more thing I really do need. 
G    Em         A      D
The deed-to a platnum mine. 

       G          Em             A        D
Santa Honey, so hurry down the chimney tonight.

G  Em  A

Come and trim my Christmas tree 
with some decorations bought to fit the needs. 
D                      E    G                A 
I really do believe in you lets see if you believe in me. 
D      G     Em                A          D       G
Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing-A RING,
Em           A          D
and I dont mean on the phone. 
D      G    Em                  A     (No Chord)
Santa Baby, So hurry down the chimney tonight.

D  G  Em  A  (x4)
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