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Travis Tritt - Here's A Quarter(call Someone Who Cares) Corrected (Chord)
Album: It's All About to Change (1991)
Submitter: atekjunkie (10) on 11/10/05 1 comment
Month Views: 1,637 | Total Views: 31,191
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Travis Tritt - Here's A Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares)
3/4 Timing Played As A Rowdy Country Waltz

Chord Fingerings ( These Chord Names Might Not Be Right 
But Use These Fingerings)

  G5        Cadd9    D          C5        Bm (Root 5 Bar Chord)
320033      X32033   X00232     X32013      X24412  

    G5                         Cadd9        G5
You say you were wrong to ever leave me alone_____
And now you're sorry, you're lonesome and scared_____
And you say you'd be happy
             Cadd9        G5  
If you could just come back home
                            D                  G5
Well Here's a quarter, call someone who cares_____

     C5                        G5 
Call someone who'll listen and might give a damn
Maybe one of your sordid affairs_____
But don't you come round here
           Cadd9             G5
Handin' me none of your lines______
                       D                  G5
Here's a quarter, call someone who cares______Solo Stars Here

Solo G5   Cadd9   G5   D   Bm   D   G5   Cadd9   G5   D   G5

       G5                        Cadd9        G5
Girl I thought what we had could never turn bad_____
So your leavin' caught me unaware______
But the fact is you've run
Girl that can't be undone
G5                        D                 G5  
So here's a quarter, call someone who cares______ 

       C5                      G5 
Call someone who'll listen and might give a damn
Maybe one of your sordid affairs_____
But don't you come round here
           Cadd9             G5
Handin' me none of your lines______
                       D                  G5
Here's a quarter, call someone who cares______

C5            G5            D                  Cadd9
Yeah here's a quarter, call someone who cares____________

Yeah______ Yeah______ 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
I can add a sound clip if you all would like the feel of a "Rowdy Country Watlz"
-atekjunkie | 11/10/2005
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