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Josh Turner at CountryTabs.com
Josh Turner
18 songs
Moderator: Ray Terry
Showing: Subscribe:
Song Type Rating Views Submitter
Lord Have Mercy On A Country BoyChord12,028akledfor
Your Man (no Capo)Chord36,363atekjunkie
Your ManTab15,151Brit_89
Your ManSolo14,507ChiefKomosakawa
Your Man (capo 2)Chord8,103daniela8896
Would You Go With MeChord21,790JohnGerrits
No RushChord6,915Koichi Kondo
Me And GodBass4,914laurren
Me & GodChord3,026LellaG
Would You Go With MeChord21,344MikeyL95
Me And God SoloTab10,840rdnckfisher
Your ManChord273,022Shantel
Angels Fall SometimesChord16,361Sibbs1
Would You Go With Me 2Intro6,461Spots
Would You Go With Me 2Chord13,484Spots
Way Down SouthChord6,635twizzle05
Loretta Lynn's LincolnChord8,976twizzle05
Me And GodChord47,725twizzle05

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