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Billy Dean - Once In A While (Chord)
Album: 8 Seconds: Movie Soundtrack (1994)
Submitter: lmofle (815) on 10/17/03 3 comments
Month Views: 947 | Total Views: 11,367
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Once In A While
By Billy Dean

Thanks so much to Shantel for getting the missing chords and
expanding on what I already had. One thing you can do is after
the A7 you hear a walk up and I would say it's:

  A7  A7sus4?  A7sus2?

Once in a while
Someone comes along
     Am7              Em
That one in a million heart
   Bb          G
So pure and so strong
         F              Fm
They can face up to the tears
    C                    A7
And somehow still find a smile
If we only get
G               C
Every once in a while

Once in a while,
Someone has the eyes,
That one in a million look,
That never tells lies,
They can get you on your feet,
To walk that extra mile,
But we only see them, 
Every once in a while

G#                     D#
Thats why we call them heroes,
F#                      C#
Thats why we know their names,
    E                       B
And once you've heard their stories 
You're never quite the same,
F#                     C#
Thats why we call them heroes,
    E                        B
And the best thing they ever do,
   G#m                     C#
Is point to the best in us all,
         C#m              F#
And say "If I can you can too"

Once in a while,
I still hear his voice,
That one in a million sound,
Like two laughing boys,
He would hate it if we cried,
That never was his style,
Oh we still miss him,
Every once in a while


            F              Fm 
Oh they can face up to the tears
    C                    A7
And somehow still find a smile
We only get 'em,
G               Am7   G
Every Once in a while
Oh how I miss him,
G               C
Every once in a while
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
great job!!
-EMRLDEYZS | 7/18/2004
This is the song that brought tears to my eyes while watching my favorite rodeo movie "8 seconds". This is one of the most awesome songs when thinking about fallen hero's. Thanks for the tab. God bless Lane Frost.
-Josh Burnett | 8/14/2005
what would you think about this; 1st verse at smile A7, playing a barre A7 5th fret , you go to a A7sus4 then add a G note on B string at 8th fret with your little finger. It would still be a 1-3-5-flat 7 chord, then you can drop right into Dm 5th fret. just curious, it sounds ok to me but?
-flyinglibra51 | 8/31/2015
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