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Billy Dean - You Don't Count The Cost (Chord)
Album: Billy Dean (1992)
Submitter: tbowers715 (22) on 10/17/03 1 comment
Month Views: 718 | Total Views: 8,034
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You Don't Count the Cost
Billy Dean

E2    A/E    E2    A/E

Verse one:
   E                        A/E
It happens to a mother when she is giving birth.
    E                                   B7sus               B7
Her heart is filled with joy, while her body's filled with hurt
    E              E7             A                 F#m
She holds the baby close to her despite the pain he caused
E                      B7                  E2      A/E
When it comes to love, you don't count the cost

Verse two:
   E                    A
It happens to a soldier fighting for his home
E                            B7     B7sus      B7
fear wells up inside him and yet he still goes on
E              E7           A              F#m
even though he knows he may be the next to fall
E                      B7                  E
when it comes to love, you don't count the cost

C#m7                   A                E
You don't count the heartache you don't count the sacrifice
    C#m7               A               Bsus    B
and all that counts is what you feel inside
   A                             E         E7       A
it doesn't really matter what is gained or what is lost
E                          B7                  E2      A
When it comes to love, no, you don't count the cost.

Verse three:
   E                     A
It happens all around us each and every day
E                                    B7      B7sus  B7
someone's giving all they've got for someone else's sake
E           E7             A               F#m
If you ever doubt it, just think about the cross
E                      B7                  E
when it comes to love, you don't count the cost

C#m7                   A                E
You don't count the heartache you don't count the sacrifice
    C#m7               A               Bsus    B
and all that counts is what you feel inside
   A                             E         E7       A
it doesn't really matter what is gained or what is lost
E                          B7                  E2      A    E2
When it comes to love, no, you don't count the cost.

Chords (how I play them)

E     022100
E2    002100
E7    020100
A     002220
A/E   002200
B     224442
Bsus  224452
B7    224242
B7sus 224252
F#m   244222
C#m7  446454 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
How 'bout the chord shapes for those odd chords?
-lmofle | 10/17/2003
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