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Billy Joe Shaver - Live Forever Correct (Chord)
Album: Unshaven, Live at Smith's Olde Bar (1995)
Submitter: FUCKYALL (0) on 9/9/05 6 comments
Month Views: 1,043 | Total Views: 9,633
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Live Forever by Billy Joe and Eddy Shaver

************* LIVE FOREVER *************
Intro: G Em C9 D G

Verse 1:G 
  	  I'm gonna live forever
  	  I'm gonna cross that river
        C9                   D     G
  	  I'm gonna catch tomorrow now

  	  You're gonna want to hold me
  	  Just like i always told you
        C9             D               G
  	  You're gonna miss me when i'm gone
Verse 2
        C                     G 
  	  Nobody here will ever find me
        D                    G 
  	  But i will always be around
        C                            G   
  	  Just like the songs i leave behind me
        D                        G
  	  I'm gonna live forever now
Verse 3:G
  	  You fathers and you mothers
  	  Be good to one another
        C9                 D                 G    
  	  Please try to raise your children right
  	  Don't let the darkness take 'em
  	  Don't make 'em feel forsaken
        C9                D             G
  	  Just lead them safely to the light
Verse 4:
          C                             G   
  	  When this old world is blown assunder
         D                          G     
  	  And all the stars fall from the sky
        C                           G    
  	  Remember someone really loves you
        D                           G  
  	  We'll live forever you and i
Chorus: G  
  	  I'm gonna live forever
  	  I'm gonna cross that river
        C9           D             G  
  	  I'm gonna catch tomorrow now


 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Your chord alignment is off...

-lmofle | 9/10/2005
And what an immature screen name...
-lmofle | 9/10/2005
im with larry
-bigdaddy04 | 11/6/2005
-FUCKYALL | 11/10/2005
You all need Jesus
-countrymike79 | 11/14/2005
The guy that did this must be a real jack#$$ and can't take comments like a man. Yes sir, with that screen name what comments do you expect. Constructive critism is healthy if you can except it.
-edwardhines | 12/19/2005
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