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Billy Ray Cyrus - Ole What's Her Name (Chord)
Album: Wanna Be Your Joe (2006)
Submitter: lmofle (1207) on 7/4/12
Month Views: 689 | Total Views: 4,378
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Ole What's Her Name
By Billy Ray Cyrus
Tabbed By Larry Mofle

They say love is blind
I know that still rings true
Cause I couldn't see it comin'
            G             D 
But when it landed I sure knew

Well it knocked me to my knees
It hit me like a train
      A                                D
And I never will forget ole what's her name

        G              D
I gotta long term loss of short term memory
    D                                A
And one thing in my life is for ever changed
G                                 D  
I'm sure I fell in love With this angel from above
      D             A                  G                  D
And I never will forget ole what's her name Oh what's her name


Time just keeps on just tickin'
And I've tried to move on
And though I keep on searchin'
I'm pretty sure she's gone

I know I'll always miss her
And things will never be the same
And I never will forget ole what's her name

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