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Blake Shelton - Delilah (Chord)
Album: Hillbilly Bone (2010)
Submitter: Koichi Kondo (2992) on 3/9/12
Month Views: 1,102 | Total Views: 8,369
Moderator: jhempel24 | Report This Song?
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Written by recorded by Blake Shelton

Intro.:  |(D) |(Bm) |(C)(G/B)|(D) | x 2

(D) I knew the moment that you walked in, (Dmaj7) you were looking for your old friend
Well (G)here I am, it ain't no big sur-(D)prise
You got a broken heart to kill, (Dmaj7) tired of knowing how it feels
(G) When you learn you been living a (D)lie

Oh, and (Bm)ain't (A)that a (G)shame, you shouldn't (Bm)feel (A)such (G)pain

But (D)you can't blame no one but you, De-(G)lilah
For (A)what you find when you never ever look around (D) (A)
(D)Reach out for the one right here be-(G)side ya
And (A)find the one that's never gonna let you down (D)

(Bm)Mmm, (C)mmm, (G/B)mmm, (D)mmm

(D) So go ahead and take your shot, (Dmaj7) drink your whiskey on the rocks
And (G)tell me how you'll never find the (D)one
But Lord knows it hurts me bad (Dmaj7) every time I see you sad
(G)Knowing that my love goes on and on (D)

Oh, it (Bm)just (A)ain't (G)right, (A) you're a-(Bm)lone (A)to-(G)night

But (D)you can't blame no one but you, De-(G)lilah
For (A)what you find when you never ever look around (D) (A)
(D)Reach out for the one right here be-(G)side ya
And (A)find the one that's never gonna let you down (D)

(G)Mmm, (C)mmm, (G/B)mmm, (D)mmm

But (D)you can't blame no one but you, De-(G)lilah
For (A)what you find when you never ever look around (D) (A)
(D)Reach out for the one right here be-(G)side ya
And (A)find the one that's never gonna let you down (D)

(Bm)Mmm, (C)mmm, (G/B)mmm, (D)mmm

(D) I knew the moment that you walked in, (Dmaj7) you were looking for your old friend
Well, (G)here I am, it ain't no big surprise (D) -----
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