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Bleu Edmondson - Last Last Time Complete (Tab)
Album: Lost Boy (2007)
Submitter: taylor7458 (7) on 4/20/11 1 comment
Month Views: 647 | Total Views: 5,774
Moderator: residentroadie | Report This Song?
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Last Last Time Bleu Edmondson   Acoustic capoed at 4th fret
                                  F                  A               G               F 
  A               G            
----7---------------7---------|C    C                                  G
--5---5-4---5-----5---5-4--5--|     Empty parking lot half a cigarette Got it of the ground so 
------------------------------|            F                     C                  Am
------------------------------|     it's a little wet I'm on the south side walking sideways
------------------------------|    G                     F 
------------------------------|     I got to drunk again
C                                            G                
Now It's a cold night a kind of late this year plans made the 
cops are gone and we're outa here but I need to 
C                         Am   G           F
catch my breath cause its 3am and I still miss someone 

----7----------|             C                        Em     
--5---5-4---5--| This is the last last time I beg the sun to 
                                     Am             G 
                 shine addicted to a memory and its killin me This
---------------|                  F
-Play 8xs------| is the last last time
-Over chorus---|

Bridge Lead
 F A G F A G
----7----------|            C                                         
--5---5-4---5--| Now I should hide at home cause I cant drive 
-play 5xs------|       G                F       
---------------| Everybody's callin me to see if I'm alive thy say 
---------------|     C               Am            G                   F
---------------| they got a friend I need meet and she's never heard of you
Repeat Chorus 

  Am                    G           Am       F         G
Ooh        ooh      ooh              ooh     ooh   ooh  ohhh
Solo Lead  C    Em   G   C  Em  G 
               C                               Em                      Am              G              C
---------------|This is the last last time I beg the sun to shine addicted to a memory and its killin me
                               Em                         Am                    
This is the last last  time I try to change your mind I'm addicted to the misery and 
its killing me and its killing me Wont stop killing me
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I use the font "Courier New" and they line up for me.
-Ray Terry | 4/21/2011
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