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Blue Rodeo - Bulletproof(no Capo Very Easy) (Chord)
Submitter: jmw17 (0) on 4/5/06
Month Views: 678 | Total Views: 4,840
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This is my first tab so don't be too hard on me;)... Its 4 years later and I dont much like 
country anymore but I'll fix this tab a lil anyway lol... i was 16 and had a guitar for about 
a year here so I dont feel to bad about the many mistakes ive made 

C                      C9                     Dm
Tell me one more time again just like I didn't hear you
             F                                   C
Like I don't know whats goin through your mind I do
                   C9   Am7
I've played the same games too
             F                            G
You know its hard to stop even when you want to

C                           C9                      Dm
Now the moon lights up your face and I can see you're crying
          F                           C
You never liked me to see you cry its true
              C9   Am7
I've done some crying too
             F                                C
You know the hardest part about its trying to hide it from you


F                       G
It would be great to be so strong
C                 C9     Am7
Never needed anybody else to get along
          F                             G
And we so scared of the silence and the tricks that we use
         C                 C9                 Am7   
Oh we're careful and we're cunning but we're easily bruised
F                            G             C
I don't want to lie about it I'm not bulletproof

Well I've finally found a way to hide from all your glances
Till the waiting game you play is through
I can but what's the use
When all I really want to do is hide out with you


Well it would be great to be so strong

Never needed anybody's help to get along
And we so scared of the silence and the language that we use
Oh we're careful and we're cunning but we're easily bruised

I don't want to kid about it I'm not bulletproof

Tell me on more time again well I guess I didn't hear you
And I don't know all the secrets that you keep inside
Tried the same thing too
But they all come pouring out of me when Im talking to you


Well it would be great to be so strong

Never needed anybody's help to carry on
But I'm not waking up each morning with forgiveness I can use
No I'm careless and I'm cruel but I still easily bruised
And I'm so tired of lying about it I'm not bulletproof

I'm not going to lie about it I'm not bulletproof

I think this is close,If you want to you can use Am where ever theres a Am7. 
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