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Bob Luman - Lonely Woman Make Good Lovers (Chord)
Submitter: Ray Terry (221) on 10/15/06
Month Views: 3,270 | Total Views: 14,386
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Lonely Woman Make Good Lovers 
Bob Luman

(Capo 1st Fret)
(Song recorded in G up 2 steps to A up 1 step to B) 

 G       C              D7
Lonely women make good lovers
 C                                                        D7
They're all at the mercy of a good lookin' smooth talkin' man
 G       C              D7
Lonely women make good lovers
C                                 D7                            G
So if you've got a woman, better treat her just as good as you can.

(Verse 1)
 G               C               D7             G
Lots of times a lonely girl will go out on the town
 C                  D7          G 
With no thought of evil on her mind.
                      C               D7                     G 
But She don't try to plant bad seeds, but there's somethin' every woman needs
 C                        D7          G
And a friendly smile will do it every time.

(Repeat Chorus in key of “g”)

(Advance two steps from “g” to “a”)
(Verse 2)
 A               D               E7              A
Once a woman's tasted love, she can't do without it
 D                  E7                          A
She'll search for something warm when she gets cold
                 D              E7               A
If her lips are wet with wine, when it comes to lovin' time
 D                           E7               A 
She'll trade her pride for somethin' warm to hold.

 A      D               E7
Lonely women make good lovers,
 D                                                        E7
They're all at the mercy of a good lookin' smooth talkin' man
 A       D              E7
Lonely women make good lovers
D                                 E7                            A
So if you've got a woman, better treat her just as good as you can.

(Advance one steps from “a” to “a”)
A      D               E7
Lonely women make good lovers
 D                                                       E7
They're all at the mercy of a good lookin' smooth talkin' man
 A     D              E7
Lonely women make good lovers (Fade Out)

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