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Bobby Pinson - Jesus Loves Me (Chord)
Album: Man Like Me (2005)
Submitter: twizzle05 (237) on 6/2/05 2 comments
Month Views: 550 | Total Views: 12,659
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Jesus Loves Me
from the album "Man Like Me" (unlisted track)
corrections welcome.   tabbed 6/1/05

There's a lick you play after the CHORUS: G  G/B  C  Cadd9  D  Then go into VERSE

INTRO:  G  G/B  C  Cadd9  G  G/B  D  C  Cadd9  G

G                   G/B    C                     G
Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so
G                  G/B    C               D7       G          
Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong

G       Cadd9     G         D
Yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me
G      Cadd9          D   Cadd9   G
Yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so

G                       G/B      C                    G
Jesus take this heart of mine, make it pure and holy Thine
G                      G/B       C          D7      G
Thou has bled and died for me, and I'll forever live for Thee

G       Cadd9    G        D
Yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me
G        Cadd9      D   Cadd9 G
Yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so

G                      G/B    C                    G
Jesus loves me He will stay close beside me all the way
G                       G/B        C        D7       G
He's prepared a home for me and someday His face I'll see

G       Cadd9     G           D
Yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me
G       Cadd9         D   Cadd9  G
Yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so
     D  Cadd9 (let ring)
The Bible tells me so

G        Cadd9    G         D
Yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me
G        Cadd9      D   Cadd9  G (let ring)
Yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
I am really happy to see that somebody is putting old songs on albums that are christian
songs. But I'm even more happy to see that you have put this song on this web site!
I admire you for that! It sounds great! God Bless!
-jpr06 | 7/3/2005
Thanks. And yes, it's nice to know that artists are honoring their roots.
The songs they sang as kids, the stuff that inspired still
inspires a lot of us.
-twizzle05 | 7/3/2005
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