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Brad Paisley - Two Feet Of Topsoil (complete) (P-Tab)
Album: Part II (2001)
Submitter: atekjunkie (10) on 12/9/05 5 comments
Month Views: 748 | Total Views: 4,628
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Love this song. Keith Whitley will live on forever...good job.
-JRBurnett | 10/17/2005
Sounds pretty good but one question...

What happened to the positioning on those tele and acoustic licks? The first few notes are ok and then they go way off.
-mooman2679 | 12/10/2005
Brad Paisley uses something called G-bender. It allows you to take your guitar , pull it down
and your g-string can go up to a whole step higher.
-atekjunkie | 12/10/2005
I know what a G-bender is, I have one :)

But what I'm saying is 1/4 of the solo shouldn't be on one string. The acoustic licks start out fine but they should by no means end on the 12th fret of the low E string.

To me it looks like you just imported a midi file into Powertab. When you do that it usually messes with all that stuff. Leaving out the bends,hammer-ons and other things like that.
-mooman2679 | 1/1/2006
I think that if it sounds right? It must be right? As for it being from a midi file, midi files are programed in a programs just like powetabs, then exported to midi files? So I don't see what that would have to do with anything? I am sure the notes you are talking about are found elsewhere on the guitar, might even be easier to play another way. But if this tab wasnt using the right notes, it would not sound right would it? But I thank you for your comments.
-atekjunkie | 1/1/2006
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