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Brooks & Dunn - Red Dirt Road (Chord)
Album: Red Dirt Road (2003)
Submitter: palamin0 (190) on 5/1/03 9 comments
Month Views: 1,596 | Total Views: 47,493
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Artist: Brooks & Dunn
Title: Red Dirt Road
released April 2003
Chords by: palamin0 at

Brooks & Dunn - Red Dirt road

Intro  F - C - Dm


F                                  C
I was raised off route 3, out past where the blacktop ends,
We’d walk to church on Sunday morn
and race barefoot back to Johnsons Fence
That's where I first saw Mary,
On that roadside pickin blackberries,
Dm                      Bb                       
that summer I turned a corner in my soul
          C            F
down that red dirt road,

It's where I drank my first beer,
It's where I found Jesus,
Where I wrecked my first car
I tore it all to pieces,
I learned the path to heaven,
It's full of sinners and believers,
Learned that happiness on earth,
Ain't just for high achievers,
Gm                           Am
I've learned, I've come to know,
             Bb        C
There's life at both ends,
That red dirt road,


Her daddy didn't like me much,
In my shakled up GTO,
I'd sneak out in the middle of the night,
Throw rocks at her bedroom window,
We'd turn out the headlights,
Drive by the moonlight,
Talk about what the future might hold,
Down that red dirt road,

(go to chorus then to lead, 
lead chords are ( F - C - Dm - Bb - F - C - Dm) 
then bridge below)


  Gm                 Am
I went out into the world,
And I came back in,
Gm       Am
I lost Mary,
Oh I got her back again,
Gm                 Am
And drivin home tonight
                     Bb         C
Feels like I found a long lost friend,

(go to chorus then lead out)
Lead out chords are ( F - C - Dm - Bb)
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Good tab. One thing I suggest put the chords above all of it.
It a pain to look back at the first verse to see the 2nd verse
chords. Makes it easier on the people reading.
-yinielin | 5/29/2003
What can you say about this??
Any Palamin is a pal of mino... I'm 48 and cry when I haer the song.
Thanks for posting it.

But for accuracy - WildCard has it nailed - but with a capo...

I think Palamino's tab here works best for solo acoustic guitar,
as the lower, uncaped F and C have body.

Great job guys - both WildCard and palamin0.

-eric_steinmetz | 5/31/2003
this original songwriter needs to research his material - you can not
shackle up a GTO! They had coil springs, not leaf springs. But other
than that, another fine example of radio pablum for the new millenium.
-IH8thishit | 7/23/2003
Ih8this**t, u need b***hslapped, no one cares, its a good sond.
-Antonioo | 8/6/2003
Very well done *claps*. I just tried it and it sounded good but
..It sounds a little off...does anyone have another version of it?
Hey...maybe it's just my guitar *tunes guitar*.
You sure get things out kick around here. This site rocks.

-BluEydGuitarist | 8/8/2003
As a master tech for over 30 years I have to say that you can shackel
a GTO they made a kit for them to work with coil springs.It didn't
work like the leaf type but where still called shackels none the less.

-ddoran1000 | 8/23/2003
You can shackle anything if you have the time and money... Good song none the less props to palamino!
-LoneStarRebel7 | 10/4/2003
This is definitely one of Brooks & Dunn's best songs. This tab is totally deserving of a 10.
-petunia | 1/7/2004
i think you should show the used chords at thr top of the page but other than that it great also why the hell does it matter if u can shackle up a gto this a tab site not auto shop class stupid people
-guitarnik | 9/25/2005
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