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Buck Owens - Never Never Land (Chord)
Album: Kickin' In (1991)
Submitter: Ray Terry (222) on 7/27/14
Month Views: 594 | Total Views: 3,105
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Never Never Land
Buck Owens
Album: Kickin’ In

Capo 1

D        A7    G     D
Here in never never land       
             A7        D   A7
There is no rainbow's end
      D        A7
It's cold and dark
G           D
Here in my heart
          A7    D
In never never land

Nobody told me that love could hurt me
Nobody mentioned the pain
There was not one word

That love could desert me
Nobody mentioned your name

D        A7    G     D
Here in never never land       
             A7        D   A7
There is no rainbow's end
      D        A7
It's cold and dark
G           D
Here in my heart
          A7    D
In never never land

I spend the night time longing for daytime
Counting the ticks of the clock
How long is forever

When is now or never
And when will this missing you stop

D        A7    G     D
Here in never never land       
             A7        D   A7
There is no rainbow's end
      D        A7
It's cold and dark
G           D
Here in my heart
          A7    D
In never never land

     D        A7
It's cold and dark
G          D
Here in my heart
         A7    D
In never never land
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