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CJ Williams - The Truth (Chord)
Submitter: hopefalls (3) on 4/26/12
Month Views: 341 | Total Views: 2,371
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(Capo on 2)
Intro.:  --- | (G)  | (C)  | (G)  | (C)  |

(G) Tell 'em all I'm on va-(C)cationso
(G) Say I went to visit (C)friends (D) (C)o,
(G) That you ain't heard or (C)seen from me in quite a (D)while
(G) When they ask you where I've (C)been (D) (C)
(D) Tell 'em I'm out on the (Em)west coast where it don't (G)ever (D)rain
And that I'm probably doin' (C) fine

(C) Just don't tell 'em I've gone (G)crazy (D)
(C) I'm still strung out over (G)you (D)
(C) Tell 'em anything you (Em)want to, just don't (D)tell 'em all the (C)truth
Yeah, don't tell 'em all (Am) the truth  (D)

(G) Tell 'em all I'm out in (C)Vegas
(G)Blowin' every dollar I ever (C)made (D) (C)
(G) Tell 'em that I must be (C)into something bad for me, 'cause
(G) I sure lost a lot of weight (C)  (D) (C)
(D) Tell 'em I'm out on the (Em)road with some old rock and (C)roll band
(D) livin' like a gypsy (C) can

(C) Just don't tell 'em I've gone (G)crazy (D)
(C) I'm still strung out over (G)you (D)
(C) Tell 'em anything you (Em)want to, just don't (D)tell 'em all the (C)truth
Yeah, don't tell 'em all the (Am)truth  (D)

The (C)truth is that I'm askin' you to (G)lie, and we both (D)know that it ain't (C)right
(C) If you ever loved me (Em)please, have some (D)mercy on (C)me

Intr.:  --- | (G)yeah, (D)yeah, yeah, | (C)yeah  | (G) (D) |

(C) Tell 'em anything you (Em)want to, just don't (D)tell 'em all the (C)truth
Yeah, don't tell 'em all (Am) the truth,  (D) I still need (G)you  (C)
Yeah, that's the (G)truth  (C)  I still love (G)you  (C)
Baby, that's the (G)truth  (C)  (G) ----- 
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