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Chase Rice - Only A Country Girl (Chord)
Submitter: millerj234 (1) on 11/30/12 1 comment
Month Views: 656 | Total Views: 14,948
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Standard Tuning (Capo 5)

G, Cadd9, Em7, D, Cadd9, G, Cadd9, Em7, D, G x 2

G             Cadd9           Em7  D    Cadd9
She takes her sweet time when she gets ready
G              Cadd9           Em7     D     G
Singin’ to a hairbrush “Free Fallin’” with Petty
G            Cadd9                      Em7 D  Cadd9
Walks out with her hair done, I’m like “Woo, damn!”
       G                Cadd9                    Em7    D    G
Keep takin’ your time lookin’ fine like only a country girl can

Oh, yeah

G, Cadd9, Em7, D, G

G           Cadd9           Em7  D   Cadd9   
She get a little wild on a Saturday night
G              Cadd9                       Em7  D         G
And those pretty little eyes get wide when she sees the light
G      Cadd9                 Em7 D    Cadd9
After she’s had a few she’s ready to dance
              G                      Cadd9                      Em7    D    G
And she can shake it, break it down, get ‘em loud like only a country girl can

           Cadd9           G
She turns every head when she walks by
        D                    Em7
Lights up the room with her pretty smile
        Cadd9         G                 D  
But you better stay away when she gets mad
             Cadd9               G
‘Cause she can make your world fall apart
           D                   Em7
When she loves she loves with all her heart
    Cadd9      G           D
And that makes me a lucky man
       Cadd9          Cadd9                   Em7    D    G
She can do no wrong, turn me on like only a country girl can

Come on!

G, Cadd9, Em7, D, Cadd9, G, Cadd9, Em7, D, G

G        Cadd9                    Em7  D     Cadd9
She ain’t afraid to get a little dirt on her hands
G           Cadd9                Em7  D       G
She hop on my tractor while I’m plowin’ the land
G          Cadd9                     Em7  D   Cadd9
Rolls up her sleeves workin’ on that farmer’s tan
             G                     Cadd9               Em7    D    G
But she can rock the boots in her daisy dukes like a country girl can

           Cadd9           G
She turns every head when she walks by
        D                    Em7
Lights up the room with her pretty smile
        Cadd9         G                 D  
But you better stay away when she gets mad
             Cadd9               G
‘Cause she can make your world fall apart
           D                   Em7
When she loves she loves with all her heart
    Cadd9      G           D
And that makes me a lucky man
       Cadd9          Cadd9                   Em7    D    G
She can do no wrong, turn me on like only a country girl can

G, Cadd9, Em7, D, Cadd9, G, Cadd9, Em7, D, G

           Cadd9           G
She turns every head when she walks by
        D                    Em7
Lights up the room with her pretty smile
        Cadd9         G                 D  
But you better stay away when she gets mad
             Cadd9               G
‘Cause she can make your world fall apart
           D                   Em7
When she loves she loves with all her heart
    Cadd9      G           D
And that makes me a lucky man
       Cadd9          Cadd9                   Em7    D    G
She can do no wrong, turn me on like only a country girl can

              Cadd9          Cadd9                   Em7    D    G
I said she can do no wrong, turn me on like only a country girl can

Yeah baby

G, Cadd9, Em7, D, Cadd9, G, Cadd9, Em7, D, G 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
The 2nd Cadd9 in the first line of each verse may be a G
-millerj234 | 12/6/2012
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