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Chris Cummings - Betty (Chord)
Album: Ooh, That Could Cost Him the Gold, Bob (2002)
Submitter: brett2311 (5) on 6/2/03
Month Views: 641 | Total Views: 3,827
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Capo 2 fret

Intro G  D  C  D  (twice)

G 	 D 	 C 	 D
I was Archie, He was Reggie
G 	   D 	      C 	     D
I guess that made her Veronica
G 	 D 	 C 	  	 D
Competition was getting heavy
G 	    D 	    C 	  D
Fighting for her unrequited love
Am7 	  	  	 C 	 D 	 G 	 D 	 C 	 D
And sugar sugar  I was so blind and wrong
Am7 	  	  	 C 	  	  	  	 D 	 C 	 D
You know that Archie should have seen this all along

G 	  	 D 	 C 	  	 D
You're my Betty baby strong and steady baby
G 	  	 D 	 C 	      D
You get me ready to face about any thing
G 	  	 D 	   C 	  	    D
With you I cannot fail I'm the king of Riverdale
G 	             D 	    C 	            D
Sell my jalopy baby just to buy you a ring
G 	  	 D     C
You my Betty baby 	  	 D
                             just to buy you a ring
G 	  	 D 	 C 	 D
You're my Betty baby

You know my best friend lets call him Jughead
Come to think of it its not much of a stretch
But even he says I've come to my senses
Chasing veronica is like walking on a ledge
The view is so sweet if your balance is sound
But she will push you just to see how far you bounce


Am7 	  	  	 C 	 D 	 G 	 D 	 C 	 D
And sugar sugar  I was so blind and wrong
Am7 	  	  	 C 	  	  	  	 D 	 C 	 D
You know that Archie should have seen this all along


You're my Betty baby
You're my Betty baby 
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