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Chris Cummings - Never Thought Of You That Way (Chord)
Submitter: rune (40) on 5/6/06
Month Views: 656 | Total Views: 4,052
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Chris Cummings - I Never Thought of You That Way

Written by: Don Schlitz Gary Burr 

   G     Em    C       D         G Gsus4  G Gsus4

    G                             Em
I saw him bringing flowers up to your front door 
     C                       D       G - Gsus4
I never thought of you that way before 
    G                        Em
I saw how he smiled at the dress you wore 
    C                        D       G
I never thought of you that way before 

It's my fault 
I never thought
C                        G  D
I'd let the chance slip aw-ay 
You might be 
The love that I need 
       C         B           Em   A
We passed on the street everyday
   C                D         G - Gsus4  G - Gsus4
I never thought of you that way 

I watched him bring you home from a night on the town 
I never thought of you that way till now 
I watched from my window as your lights went down 
I never thought of you that way till now 


E                   A  
How many times did I see you smile 
E                            A
And think of you just as a friend 
E                              A
If you're the same girl who's always been there 
        C                       D
Tell me where in the world have I been 

G - Em - C - G - D  G - Em - C - D


   C                D        G   G/F# Em
I never thought of you that way 'til now
   C                D        G   G/F# Em
I never thought of you that way 'til now
   C                D        G - Em - C - D - G
I never thought of you that way

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