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Christmas Songs - Coventry Carol (Tab)
Submitter: DougieLove (0) on 5/9/03 1 comment
Month Views: 618 | Total Views: 30,144
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Coventry Carol

Key of Dm
3/4 time

  Dm                        C            A
e ------------ --------1--- 0----------- ------------ 
b 3---3---2--- 3----------- --------3--- 2----------- 
g ------------ ----2------- ----0------- --------2--- 
d 0----------- 0----------- ------------ ----2------- 
a ------------ ------------ 3-------1--- 0----------- 
E ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 
  Lul-lay thou lit  -  tle  ti   -  ny   child

  Dm           Gm/Bb        Dm
e ----0---1--- 3-------0--- ------------ --------5--- 
b 3----------- ------------ 3----------- ------------ 
g ------------ ----0------- --------2--- ------------ 
d 0----------- ------------ 0---3------- 0----------- 
a ------------ 1----------- ------------ ------------ 
E ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 
  By, by, lul- ly      lul- lay                  Lul-

  C                         Gm/Bb        A
e 3-------1--- 0-------1--- 0----------- ------------ 
b ------------ ------------ --------3--- 2----------- 
g ----0------- ----0------- ----0------- --------2--- 
d ------------ ------------ ------------ ----2------- 
a 3----------- 3----------- 1----------- 0----------- 
E ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 
  lay,    thou lit  -  tle  ti  -   ny   child

  Dm           Gm           D
e ------------ 3-------0--- 2----------- ------------ 
b 3---2---3--- ------------ --------3--- ------------ 
g ------------ ----3------- ----2------- ------------ 
d 0----------- ------------ 0----------- 0----------- 
a ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 
E ------------ 3----------- ------------ ------------ 
  By, by, Lul- ly,     lul- lay

Verse 2
Oh, sisters too
How may we do,
For to preserve this day?
This poor youngling,
For whom we sing
By, by, lully, lullay.

Verse 3
Herod the King,
In his raging,
Charged he hath this day.
His men of might,
In his own sight,
All young children to slay.

That woe is me,
Poor child for thee!
And ever morn and day,
For thy parting
Neither say nor sing
By, by, lully, lullay!
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
there is a different (and in my opinion, better sounding) version to this song. i may be posting it soon.
-mastermandolin | 1/11/2006
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